Proceedings, presentations, and working group notes are posted below. Searching for articles on a particular plant or topic? View our Plant Profiles.
Effects of nitrogen deposition on vegetation-type conversion in Riversidean sage scrub (1 MB).
Allen, Edith B.
Results from the use of a novel method, HydroMechanical Obliteration, at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in West Marin.
Alvarez, Maria; Colson, Cameron; Morales, Maria; Ponzini, Liz; Segal, Aliza; Cusser, Sarah
Ecological remote sensing of invasion by perennial pepperweed (7.2 MB).
Andrew, Margaret E.; Ustin, Susan L.
Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) control in tidal marsh of San Pablo Bay (1.9 MB).
Block, Giselle; Hogle, Ingrid; Spenst, Renee
Invasion potential of Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) in California (3.7 MB).
Bower, Michael J.; Aslan, Clare E.
Follow the weeds: Assessing the risk of future spread (3.0 MB).
Brusati, Elizabeth
Hybridization between invasive and native blackberries (Rubus) in California.
Clark, Lindsay; Jasieniuk, Marie
Assessing risks of herbicidal vegetation management in a sensitive watershed (5.1 MB).
Conlisk, Erin; Kegley, Susan
Using airborne remote sensing to map sweet fennel on Santa Cruz Island (5.2).
Dahlin, Kyla; Asner, Greg; Field, Chris; Shaw, Rebecca
Exotic control and habitat enhancement in Southern Californian native grasslands at an Audubon California preserve (2.1 MB).
DeSimone, Sandy
Prescribed fire and exotic plant effects on California grasslands (1.8 MB).
Dickens, S.J.M.; Allen, E.B.; Santiago, L.S.
Upland invaders
DiTomaso, Joe
Warmer and weedier? Outlook for invasive plants in a changing world (2 MB).
Dukes, Jeffrey S.
Soil biota facilitate invasion within microhabitats in a California coastal prairie.
Emam, Taraneh; Pavlik, Bruce; Alpert, Peter
A new agenda for managing invasive species in California estuaries (1.8 MB).
Grosholz, Edwin; Williams, Susan
Native Californian use of fire in weed management. (2.0 MB)
Hankins, Don
Monitoring a declining, hybridizing weed (7.5 MB).
Hogle, Ingrid
Application of feral animal eradication techniques to invasive plants: Early detection and rapid response (2.1 MB).
Knapp, John; Cory, Coleen; Walker, Kelvin
PRESCRIBE: DPR’s online database application for protection of endangered species
Marovich, Rich
Interactive effects of population genetic diversity and resident community composition on the success of an annual exotic invasive species.
McGray, Heather; Lombardo, Marlyse; Suding, Katharine N.
Learning to live with invasives we cannot control (5.4 MB).
Randall, John
The five stages of grief: Invasive plants and the horticulture industry (2.4 MB).
Reichard, Sarah
Assessing research needs for invasive plants in California (3.3 MB).
Robison, Mona
A four-step approach to Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor) removal (8.7 MB).
Rogner, Michael
Prioritizing California’s A-rated weed populations for eradication (1 MB).
Skurka Darin, Gina M.; Schoenig, Steve
The role of resource heterogeneity on native plant response to invasive plant removal (3.4 MB).
Steers, Robert; Allen, Edith
History of herbicide use and development of herbicide resistance (1.5 MB).
Steinmaus, Scott
An assessment of control methods for cape ivy in Central California coastal riparian ecosystems.
Stern, Jennifer; Watson, Fred
Goats defeat blackberries: Riparian habitat restoration following invasive plant removal at Vino Farms, Inc., Lodi, California (1.4 MB).
Stevenson, Chris; Griggs, Tom; Robbins, Chris
Removing exotic annual grasses in coastal dunes: Effects on native solitary ground-nesting bees (4 MB).
Tatum, Ellen
The impact of the herbicides imazapyr and triclopyr triethylamine on larval bullfrogs (2.0 MB).
Trumbo, Joel
Herbicide registration, reregistration and use tracking: Tools to help make herbicide use safe and effective (350 KB).
Webster, Denise
Stop-the-spread of yellow starthistle into the Sierra Nevada mountain range: Early detection and eradication on a regional scale (2.5 MB).
West, Wendy
Steal this Protocol: The invasive plant species early detection protocol for the San Francisco Bay Area Network of National Parks (1.9 MB).
Williams, Andrea; Jordan, Jennifer; Speith, Elizabeth