Proceedings, presentations, and working group notes are posted below. Searching for articles on a particular plant or topic? View our Plant Profiles.
Risky energy: Biofuels and invasive species.
Barney, Jacob; DiTomaso, Joe
The Break-up and Dispersal of Arundo donax by Bulldozers.
Boland, John
Cache Creek Conservancy: Building tribal partnerships
Brawley, Shannon
Strategic interactions across property boundaries in invasive plant control and implications for cooperation
Buckley, Mark
How to develop user-friendly riparian corridor invasive exotic species/habitat restoration master plans: Experiences on the San Diego and Otay Rivers
Burkhart, Brad; Kelly, Mike
Invasive Plants for Sale! A Survey of Nursery Professionals
Burt, Jennifer W.; Muir, Adrianna A.; Piovia-Scott, Jonah; Veblen, Kari E.; Chang, Andy L.; Grossman, Judah D.; Weiskel, Heidi W.
Wildly successful restoration & mitigation: A contractors perspective
Caruana, John; LaMond, Lisa; Caruana, Michelle
Invasive plant control and the California red-legged frog injunction
Chang, David
Coyote Creek floodplain reclamation project: Re-establishing native plant habitat
Codianne, Jennifer; Dumont, Leo
Regional testing of Diorhabda elongata ecotypes for the biocontrol of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) in western US.
Dalin, Peter; Dudley, T.; Thompson, D.; Bean, D.; Cashore, B.; Eberts, D.; Forister, M.; Kazmer, D.; Michels, J.; Milan, J.; DeLoach, C.J.
The California Rangeland Conservation Coalition
Delfino, Kim
Non-chemical Exotic Control in Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration at an Audubon Preserve.
DeSimone, Sandra
Managing coastal sand dune on Camp Pendleton
Dinkins, Meghan; Lardiere, Benjamin
Managing herbaceous perennials in the Tahoe Basin.
Erskine Ogden, Jennifer A.; Renz, Mark J.; Norsworthy, Justin; Donaldson, Sue
New ways to connect: Taking the pulse, eliminating the rumors.
Farrell, Sharon
Genetic relatedness can limit reproduction in a wind-pollinated grass weed via pollen limitation.
Firestone, Jeffrey; Jasieniuk, Marie
Toward understanding woody plant invasiveness: Phylogenetically independent contrasts of seedling growth traits and of performance under varying drought and nitrogen levels.
Grotkopp, Eva; Ogden, Jennifer Erskine; Rejmanek, Marcel
Beyond the knowledge deficit model: Changing environmental behaviors
Holloran, Pete
Evaluation of herbicide application rates, soil residues, and off-target effects resulting from basal bark treatment of densely-stemmed groves of invasive fig trees with Garlon
Holmes, Katherine A.; Berry, Alison M.
Applied ecology of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) in Fall River.
Hunt, Thaddeus; DiTomaso, Joseph M.; Spencer, David F.
Assessing non-target vegetation response in the wake of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) eradication at the Cosumnes River Preserve
Hutchinson, Rachel A.; Viers, Joshua H.; Quinn, James F.
Noxious weed display of Gila County Arizona
Jones, Christopher; Braddock, Karrol
Spraying over the top of Ambrosia pumila, a federally listed species, to control invasive weeds.
Kelly, Mike
Why walk when you can fly? Systematic aerial weed survey of Santa Cruz Island, California
Knapp, John; Walker, Kelvin; Wolstenholme, Rachel; Cory, Coleen
Eradicating 25 species- Challenges and successes of switching from population to seed bank management on Catalina Island, California
Knapp, John; Ratay, Sarah; Hall, Jon
Physiological and morphological responses of pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) to variations in water table and soil nitrogen content
Kroon, Joanna L; Vourlitis, George L
Use of herbicides near threatened and endangered species’ habitats
Moreno, Polo
The effects of Puccinia jaceae on yellow starthistle competition and growth.
O'Brien, Jan; Tomaso, Joe Di; Kyser, Guy; Woods, Dale
The California Horticultural Invasives Prevention (Cal-HIP) partnership and the PlantRight campaign
Peterson, Betsy; Kempton, Terryi
Interloper’s legacy: Invasive, hybrid-derived California wild radish (Raphanus sativus) evolves to outperform its immigrant parents.
Ridley, Caroline E.; Ellstrand, Norman C.
Invasive species research at the National Park Service Pacific Coast Science and Learning Center
Rodgers, Jane; Knight, Dr. Tiffany; Ridley, Caroline E.
Artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus) control efforts and community recovery in historic southern California rangeland.
Royall, Margaret; Murdock, Michelle; Suding, Katharine; Smith, Trish
Developing early detection networks to abate the invasive species threat.
Siemens, Tania; Tu, Mandy
Evaluation of the rosette weevil, Ceratapion basicorne, a new biological control agent of yellow starthistle.
Smith, Lincoln; Cristofaro, Massimo; Casaccia, C.R.; Tronci, Carlo
TNC’s Weed Information Management System (WIMS) – An application tool for invasive species management
Tu, Mandy
Public policy and advocacy issues for the dedicated weed worker!
Tu, Mandy; Johnson, Doug
Distributional patterns of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) in the San Francisco Bay, a CalFed project
Vanderhoof, Melanie; Rogers, Chris
Gray leaf spot of kikuyugrass: An invasive pest of an invasive pest.
Wong, Frank P.; Cerda, Karla A. de la; Douhan, Greg W.
Measuring roots, in situ, of two late summer perennial plant species, Elymus glaucus and Grindelia camporum, and an invasive annual species, Centaurea solstitialis.
Young, Steve; DiTomaso, Joe; Claassen, Vic