SF Bay Sea Lavender Control
Cal-IPC and partners prioritized Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum) and European sea lavender (L. durisculum) as top priorities for removal to protect San Francisco Bay tidal marshes. These plants are found in several other locations along the California coast (for instance, Morro Bay, Carpenteria Marsh near Santa Barbara, and San Diego). California’s salt marsh habitat is home to a unique assemblage of plants and wildlife, and much of this habitat has been lost to development. Few weed species can thrive in this habitat, but sea lavender is spreading aggressively so it is critical that we address it before it becomes too widespread to control. Each sea lavender plant can put out thousands of seeds that float, so we will have to gauge effectiveness as removal efforts progress. There are some fifty known locations around the Bay, many of them small. After our first two years, we have brought a dozen of the largest sites under management, representing 50% of the infestation by area. In years 3 and 4 we plan to expand our reach to bring 90% of the area under management.
Plants being managed
Limonium duriusculum
European sea lavender -
Limonium ramosissimum
Algerian sea lavender
Start date
San Francisco Bay tidal marshes Project map in CalfloraResources protected
Tidal marsh habitat supporting endangered wildlife (Ridgway’s rail, salt marsh harvest mouse), sensitive plants (salt marsh bird’s beak), and migratory waterfowl.
Project goal
Eradication of invasive sea lavender from San Francisco Bay. This will likely take a decade or longer.
Project partners
- Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
- Eden Landing State Ecological Reserve
- San Francisco State University, Dept. of Biology
- Marin Audubon Society
- San Francisco International Airport
- County of San Mateo, Public Works Dept.
- CuriOdyssey
- Save the Bay
- SOLitude Lake Management
- Olofson Environmental, Inc.
- Golden Gate Audubon Society
Project funders
- National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
- California Department of Food and Agriculture
- Alameda County Department of Agriculture
- Marin County Department of Agriculture
- San Francisco County Department of Agriculture
- San Mateo County Department of Agriculture
- San Mateo County Department of Agriculture
- Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture
- City of Mill Valley, Dept. of Public Works
- City of Burlingame, Public Works Department