Photo: James Bailey

Galenia pubescens Risk Assessment

Synonyms: Aizoon pubescens, Galenia spathulata

Common names: coastal Galenia, Galenia, blanket weed, carpet weed, green Galenia

Galenia pubescens

Primary tabs

Aizoon pubescens
Galenia spathulata
Common Name(s): 
Coastal Galenia
Blanket Weed
Carpet Weed
Is this plant a cultivar?: 
Name of Variety, or Name of Cultivar: 

No recognized subspecies. Infrataxa varieties are var. cerosa, var. fourcadei, var. lignosa, var. pallens, and var. pubescens.

Life History: 
Growth Form: 
General Description

A procumbent, mat-forming, gray-green, much-branched perennial to 1+ meters wide. Young stems show sparse, closely appressed scales. Leaves semi-succulent, spaced, gray-green, folded, with midvein visible abaxially, broadly obovate to spatulate, .5-2.2 x .2-2 cm, narrow at base, obtuse or subobtuse at apex, papillate. Flowers visible, mostly on main stem, calyx lobes white to pink adaxially, linear, 2.5 x 1 mm, hairy abaxially; anthers deep pink; styles 5. Capsules conspicuous, persistent with leaf bases, 2.5-3 x 1 mm. Seeds 5.

Native Range

South Africa

Ornamental History
Not known to be in the horticultural trade in California. Elsewhere in the world it is not known as a horticultural plant.


Williams M.C.  1979.  Toxicological Investigations on Galenia pubescens, Weed Science 27:5 1979. Weed Science. 27:506–508.
Williams M.C.  1979.  Toxicological Investigations on Galenia pubescens. Weed Science. 27:506–508.
[Anonymous].  0.  Observations.
Government AUNSW.  0.  NSW WeedWise, Accessed 9-6-23.
[Anonymous].  0.  NSW WeedWise, Accessed 9-6-23.
[Anonymous].  0.  NSW WeedWise.
Nord EC, Green LR.  1977.  Low-volume and slow-burning vegetation for planting on clearings in California chaparral, Nord, USFS, 1977. Res. Paper PSW-RP-124. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 41 p. 124
García-de-Lomas J, Cózar A, Dana ED, Hernández I, Sánchez-García Í, García CM.  2010.  Invasiveness of Galenia pubescens (Aizoaceae): A new threat to Mediterranean-climate coastal ecosystems, Garcia-de-Lomas, Acta Oecologica, 36:1, 2010. Acta Oecologica. 36:39–45.
García-de-Lomas J, Cózar A, Dana ED, Hernández I, Sánchez-García Í, García CM.  2010.  Invasiveness of Galenia pubescens (Aizoaceae): A new threat to Mediterranean-climate coastal ecosystems, 2010. Acta Oecologica. 36:39.
García-de-Lomas J, Cózar A, Dana ED, Hernández I, Sánchez-García Í, García CM.  2010.  Invasiveness of Galenia pubescens (Aizoaceae): A new threat to Mediterranean-climate coastal ecosystems. Acta Oecologica. 36:39.
Mahmood AH, Florentine SK, Chauhan BS, McLaren DA, Palmer GC, Wright W.  2016.  Influence of Various Environmental Factors on Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence of a Noxious Environmental Weed: Green Galenia (Galenia pubescens). Weed Science. 64:486–494.
CABI.  2019.  Galenia secunda. CABI Compendium. CABI Compendium:114465.
Kleinkopf G.E, Wallace A., Hartsock T.L.  1976.  Galenia pubescens - Salt-tolerant, drought-tolerant potential source of leaf protein, Kleinkopf, G.E., Plant Science Letters, 7:5, 1976. Plant Science Letters. 7:313–320.
Mahmood AH, Florentine S, Graz FP, Turville C, Palmer G, Sillitoe J, McLaren D.  2018.  Comparison of techniques to control the aggressive environmental invasive species Galenia pubescens in a degraded grassland reserve, Victoria, Australia. PLOS ONE. 13:e0203653.
CABI.  2019.  CABI, Galenia secunda datasheet, 2019. CABI Compendium. CABI Compendium:114465.

Evaluations for this Plant

Evaluation Date Organization PRE Score Questions Answered
Galenia pubescens -- California September 2, 2023 2023-2024 Western IPM Project, California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) 20 20