Search Results for: conium maculatum

Conium maculatum Profile

Conium maculatum (poison-hemlock) is a biennial forb (family Apiaceae). Poison-hemlock has spread throughout California in areas below 5,000 feet (1,500 m) elevation, excluding the Great Basin and Desert provinces and is commonly found in dense patches along roadsides and fields. It also thrives in meadows and pastures and is occasionally found in riparian forests and […]

IPCW | Categories

Plants listed by category Cal-IPC List: [ A-1 ] [ A-2 ] [ B ] [ Red Alert ]   CDFA List: [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ NL ] [ Noxious ] Cal-IPC List 1-A Ammophila arenaria   Arundo donax   Carpobrotus edulis   Centaurea solstitialis   Cortaderia jubata   […]

IPCW | Jennifer Drewitz

Scientific Name: The plants are listed in alphabetical order by the Genus. Click on the scientific name for more information about the plant. You may also use the “search” box above to find a plant by name or any attribute such as “thorn” or “tuber”. Jennifer Drewitz Conium maculatum Vinca major


Scientific Name: The plants are listed in alphabetical order by the Genus. Click on the scientific name for more information about the plant. You may also use the “search” box above to find a plant by name or any attribute such as “thorn” or “tuber”. CalEPPC List B Ageratina adenophora Ailanthus altissima Alhagi pseudalhagi Bassia […]

IPCW | Common Names

Common Name: The plants are listed in alphabetical order by the most often used common name. Click on the scientific name for more information about the plant. You may also use the “search” box above to find a plant by name or any attribute such as “thorn” or “tuber”. Tamarix spp. Ailanthus altissima ailanthus; tree-of-heaven […]