Search Results for: phalaris aquatica

Phalaris aquatica Profile

Phalaris aquatica (harding grass) is a perennial grass (family Poaceae) found throughout California. Harding grass is widespread in California because it has been used as a forage species and for revegetating after fires. It is most common in coastal valley and foothill grasslands from Oregon to the Mexican border. It is also found in the […]

IPCW | Categories

Plants listed by category Cal-IPC List: [ A-1 ] [ A-2 ] [ B ] [ Red Alert ]   CDFA List: [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ NL ] [ Noxious ] Cal-IPC List 1-A Ammophila arenaria   Arundo donax   Carpobrotus edulis   Centaurea solstitialis   Cortaderia jubata   […]

IPCW | Thomas Lanini

Scientific Name: The plants are listed in alphabetical order by the Genus. Click on the scientific name for more information about the plant. You may also use the “search” box above to find a plant by name or any attribute such as “thorn” or “tuber”. Thomas Lanini Phalaris aquatica