Symposium Sponsorship

A woman at a table covered in magazines and brochures answers anther woman's question in a busy conference hall

Join as a Sponsor!

Sponsor the 2024 Cal-IPC Symposium and connect to the natural resource management community. This annual event brings together land managers, researchers, and restoration volunteers to share the latest information on invasive plant biology and management.

Sponsors have many opportunities for acknowledgement and connection with community members from across the state — and beyond.

We invite small non-profit partners to use the “Grassroots” sponsorship rates (annual budget lower than $500,000), designed for CNPS Chapters, Resource Conservation Districts, Weed Management Areas, and other small local organizations.

Your sponsorship helps support our work protecting California’s environment and economy from invasive plants. To sponsor the 2024 Symposium, please use our online form or download the fillable PDF form


Questions? please contact us at or 510-843-3902 x310.

Sponsorship Summary

Image with list of Sponsorship benefits

Sponsorship Benefits

Image with grid of sponsorship benefits and checklists

Thank you to our Sponsors!

grid of sponsor logos and names


Questions or concerns, please email

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