Zantedeschia aethiopica

Zantedeschia_aethiopica_calla lilly by Manfred Heyde Wikipedia commons
Photo: Manfred Heyde via Wikimedia Commons

Common names: calla lily; arum lily

Zantedeschia aethiopica (calla lily) is a perennial (family Araceae) found along the coast of California, in the North and South Coast Ranges, and in the San Francisco Bay area. Native to South Africa, calla lily is grown as an ornamental plant, and most invading populations are found near human habitations in coastal prairies and wetlands. Calla lily reproduces by bird-dispersed seeds and vegetatively via rhizomes, which may be spread by moving soil or garden cuttings. In western Australia and New Zealand, calla lily is an aggressive invader of riparian areas and pastureland.

Cal-IPC Rating: Limited?

CDFA Rating: None?


Zantedeschia aethiopica Plant Assessment Form - Information gathered by Cal-IPC on the impacts, rate of spread, and distribution of invasive plants in California. Does not include management information.

Weed Management Notes

  • Management Notes - Information on management techniques and effectiveness from the University of California Cooperative Extension’s Weed Research & Information Center.

Cal-IPC Newsletter Articles

Cal-IPC Symposium Presentations

Presentations are linked where available. Where a presentation is not available, find more information by reading the abstract in the Cal-IPC Symposia Archive.

Other Zantedeschia aethiopica Information

  • CalPhotos - Images of plants taken mostly in California.
  • Calflora - Distribution map and records of this species in California.
  • CalWeedMapper - Distribution map of this species in California with ability to determine regional priorities.
  • EDDMapS - Distribution of this species in North America.
  • Jepson Interchange - Information on this plant's taxonomy, biology, and distribution from UC Berkeley's Jepson Herbarium.
  • USDA PLANTS Database - Information on identification and distribution, with links to websites in individual states.
  • Additional photos

    Zantedeschia aethiopica_flowers and leaves_copyright2008_NealKramer
    Zantedeschia aethiopica (calla lily) flowers and leaves. Photo: &#169 2008 Neal Kramer
    Zantedeschia aethiopica_growth habit (with Typha)_RonVanderhoff
    Zantedeschia aethiopica (calla lily) growth habit (with Typha). Photo: Ron Vanderhoff