Hypochaeris radicata

Hypochaeris radicata_common catsear_flower_JM DiTomaso
Photo: Joseph DiTomaso

Common names: rough cat's-ear; false dandelion

Hypochaeris radicata (rough cat’s-ear, hairy dandelion) is a perennial herb/forb (family Asteraceae) that is native to Europe. It is a weed of disturbed sites across a wide range of habitats in California and can invade intact coastal terrace prairie and scrub communities, where observations suggest it displaces natives. Plants are characterized by having perennial habit, more highly toothed/lobed leaves, larger flower heads, and only one fruit shape (an achene with a long, thin beak), compared to its non-native congener, H. glabra.  Achenes are wind blown and can spread easily.

Cal-IPC Rating: Moderate?

CDFA Rating: None?


Hypochaeris radicata Plant Assessment Form - Information gathered by Cal-IPC on the impacts, rate of spread, and distribution of invasive plants in California. Does not include management information.

Weed Management Notes

  • Management Notes - Information on management techniques and effectiveness from the University of California Cooperative Extension’s Weed Research & Information Center.

Cal-IPC Newsletter Articles

Cal-IPC Symposium Presentations

Presentations are linked where available. Where a presentation is not available, find more information by reading the abstract in the Cal-IPC Symposia Archive.

Other Hypochaeris radicata Information

  • CalPhotos - Images of plants taken mostly in California.
  • Calflora - Distribution map and records of this species in California.
  • CalWeedMapper - Distribution map of this species in California with ability to determine regional priorities.
  • EDDMapS - Distribution of this species in North America.
  • Jepson Interchange - Information on this plant's taxonomy, biology, and distribution from UC Berkeley's Jepson Herbarium.
  • USDA PLANTS Database - Information on identification and distribution, with links to websites in individual states.
  • Additional photos

    Hypochaeris radicata_achenes_copyright 2007_NealKramer
    Hypochaeris radicata (rough cat's ear) achenes. Photo: &#169 2007 Neal Kramer
    Hypochaeris radicata_flower heads_copyright 2019_NealKramer
    Hypochaeris radicata (rough cat's ear) flower heads. Photo: &#169 2019 Neal Kramer